Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Grapes of Wrath- Pa Joad

In the book Grapes of Wrath, Pa Joad is the leader. He is the man of the house, and back then that was who everyone looked up to. Pa Joad was a farmer who was forced to give up his farm and he helped make the decision to move the family to California. Pa Joad is a very thoughtful man, and he did not just rush into this trip to California. He carefully considered everything and then decided that is what was best for the whole family. Back in these times, the men of the house were the ones who were always strong and everyone looked to them for answers. I think that when they finally get out to California and are struggling to find work, Pa Joad becomes very upset and the role of the leader moves from him to Ma Joad. I think that at some points in this book he had to look to Ma Joad to find strength and leadership because all of the hardships they went through were just a little to much for him. I can only imagine how Pa Joad must have felt when he was struggling to find work, but I do imagine that he felt like he could not provide for his family anymore. I think that Pa Joad tried his best, but the obstacles they faced on their journey proved to be a little bit to much for him. I think that it is fine that he had to step down, because I know it had to be hard to be the provider and then to not be able to provide for your family. I think that Pa Joad is also a very important character to this story because without him we might not have gotten to understand how much this family went through on their journey to California. I think that he plays an important role in this book, as well as in the lives of all the other characters.


Steinbeck, John. The Grapes of Wrath. New York: Penguin, 2002. Print

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