Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Declaration of Independence- Reflection Blog

The Declaration of Independence serves an important part in the United States government. This famous document was written by Thomas Jefferson, who was a man of many professions. Apparently, he was an inventor, musician, architect, lawyer, surveyor, and botanist (Jefferson 120). John F. Kennedy said "I think this is the most extraordinary of talent, of human knowledge, that has ever been gathered in the White House, with the possible exception of when Thomas Jefferson dined alone." (Jefferson 120). By reading the "Before You Read" segment in my book, I got a little bit of background information about Thomas Jefferson. This showed me a lot about him and from this I learned that he was very talented and smart (Jefferson 120). I think that if you look closely at The Declaration of Independence, you would easily be able to recognize both propaganda techniques and also some errors in faulty logic. For example, on page 122 Thomas Jefferson uses a propaganda technique to try and get his point across. He used the testimonial propaganda technique and in doing so he basically used a big name to intimidate people and to get his point across (Recognizing Propaganda). Thomas Jefferson makes reference to the King of Great Britain and says "The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpation, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over these states." (Jefferson 122). Another use of propaganda displayed by Thomas Jefferson in The Declaration of Independence is the use of glittery generalities. Glittery Generalities is when you use important sounding words that can neither be proven or disproved, for example words like "glad", "honest", and "good" (Recognizing Propaganda). An example of when Thomas Jefferson uses glittery generalities is when he says "for the public good", and this is a glittery generality because it is an important sounding word that can neither be proved or disproved (Recognizing Propaganda). No one knows what the public good is, so therefore it is a glittery generality. Thomas Jefferson uses this propaganda technique many times throughout The Declaration of Independence, and I think that it is used by many people. Thomas Jefferson also uses the bandwagon and the either/ or fallacy propaganda technique in The Declaration of Independence. The bandwagon propaganda technique is when you think that just because everyone else is doing it, then you should also do it (Recognizing Propaganda). I think that Thomas Jefferson uses the bandwagon technique in this document because he probably wants everyone to go along with what he is saying. I think he uses the bandwagon technique because the more people that think everyone else is doing something the more likely they will go along with it. I think that Thomas Jefferson uses a lot of propaganda techniques in The Declaration of Independence because it makes it a lot more persuasive and it can make things sound a lot better than they actually are. I think that Thomas Jefferson did a very good job in making The Declaration of Independence very persuasive because apparently it was good enough for us to keep it around all of this time.


Jefferson, Thomas. "Declaration of Independence." American Literature. Columbus: McGraw Hill, 2009. 120-124. Print.

"Recognizing Propaganda--Guide to Critical Thinking--Academic Support." 6 Mar. 2011. Web. 26. Sept.

The Crucible Act 4- Reflection Blog

In the final act of The Crucible, there are many unexpected twists and turns taken by some of the main characters in this play. As we read this story, we quickly found out that this play has a very religious based community. This play was written in the Puritan style, which means it is very much based around God and religion. Throughout this play, as I was reading I kept asking myself why these people would automatically assume people were associated with the devil when something happened that they did not have an answer to. For example, at the very beginning of the book when Betty faints they all automatically jump to the conclusion that she was calling upon the devil and was doing witchcraft and what not (Miller 5). I defiantly think I had a hard time understanding how in the world it was possible for people to approach things so ignorantly, but then I thought about the time period and about how back in the day, stuff like this happened every single day because we did not have the knowledge or technology to know what actually caused Betty to faint. Also, in addition to not having all of the resources and information we have today they were very based around the church. In today's society we are not as religiously based as communities back in this time period were, and I think that is another reason people made such ignorant assumptions about things they could not explain. By reading this play I realized just how church based times were back then, and this is where Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God by Jonathan Edwards comes into play. I think that Jonathan Edwards shows us the more strict side of religion in this story because of the tone of the narrator. It is written in a way that makes me think he is being very cold and strict, and to prove that a little bit more in this little story he talks about how all sinners deserve to be punished and how all sinners should not be allowed to live with the true Christians (Edwards 99). From my experiences at church, I have always been told that everyone sins, so for me to read about people being hung for sinning it is almost unbelievable. I think that this is one of the similarities between The Crucible and Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God because in both of these stories we hear all about sinners and unfortunately, we also learn about the punishments that were given to anyone who was accused of sinning. Although Hands of an Angry God is written in a much more stern style than The Crucible, I think that both of these writings show us how important religion was back then and also how seriously sinning was taken back in the time period that these stories were written during. Personally I think that The Crucible is better for teaching us about how life was back in this time period because the author took the time to introduce the characters and showed us what actually happened verse what people believed to be happening.


Miller, Aurthur. The Crucible. New York: Penguin Group, 1976. Print.

Edwards, Jonathan. "From Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God." Comp. Jeffrey D. Wilhelm, Ph.D. and Douglas Fisher, Ph.D. Glencoe Literature. American Literature ed. Columbus: McGraw-Hill Companies, 2009. 97-99. Print.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Journal #10- Persuade

I think that Mr. Langley should postpone the due date of our vocabulary assignment for many reasons. First off, I think that if the vocabulary assignment was postponed it would be better for everyone. It would be better for us as students because we would have more time to complete this assignment and the more time we have to complete it, the better quality the assignment will be. If all the students have enough time to do their homework I think it will make their grades better and if all of the students have good grades then it will make Mr. Langley look like a really good teacher. I think it is a win win situation if the assignment is postponed because it will make everyone happy. Also, as a junior in high school I know that almost all students are already very stressed out because of the amount of homework we receive on a nightly basis and if this assignment would be postponed it might lighten the load of homework on students. I know that for me, my homework for tonight is already going to take up at least an hour of my time and I am sure that Mr. Langley does not want to spend his night grading my homework, so we should just postpone it and make everyone's life a little bit easier. I have a quote I like to live by, and it goes "why do today what you can put off until tomorrow" and I think we should honor the way I live and postpone this vocabulary assignment. Finally, my last reason for why this vocabulary assignment should be postponed is that some students do not have the resources that are necessary for this assignment. Internet access is necessary for almost all of our assignments, and if a student does not have internet at home all of these assignments would be almost impossible. I really hope this assignment is postponed!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Speech to the Second Virginia Convention- Reflection Blog

In the Speech to the Second Virginia Convention, we are reading in a style that is different from the Puritan style we have been looking at recently. The Puritan style is much different from this new style that we see in this speech in many ways, but I think the most obvious way is that in the Puritan writing style, they relate everything to God and religion and in this new style of writing it is more of a logical approach and they have less of a religious view of things. This new writing style is called Rationalism, and this speech is a very good example of how the Rationalism writing style sounds. In the Puritan writing style, they refer to God a lot and they are all very religion based, and contrary to that we have Rationalism which is more of a logical way of thinking. For example, in this speech Patrick Henry says "If we were base enough to desire it, it is now to late to retire from the contest. There is no retreat but in submission and slavery." (Henry 118). I think that this passage shows the Rational style this speech was written in because he is basically saying, there is no way out of this for us so we should just go to war. I think this is rational because he was being very logical in the way he thinks about things. I think that it makes sense to go ahead and go to war if you already know it is going to happen. Another passage from this speech that really struct me as being a rational way of thinking was
The next gale that sweeps from the North will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms! Our brethren are already in the field; Why do we stand here idle? (Henry 118).
To me, this passage was very rational sounding for many reasons. What Patrick Henry is trying to say in this part of his speech is that if we stand around and wait any longer, they are going to begin a war with us so we might as well be the ones that start the war because we would have some sort of an advantage over them. I think that this passage reveals the Rationalism writing style used by Patrick Henry because of his logical approach and way of thinking. I like reading in the Puritan writing style better than the Rationalist writing style because I think it is interesting to see how people acted back when religion was the center of everything. Patrick Henry showed us a lot of qualities that go along with the Rationalism writing style in his speech Speech to the Second Virginia Convention. I think that Rationalist writing styles became more and more popular over time because society became less and less religion based. For example, look at where we are today in society as compared to where we were years ago. Things have changed and the writing styles have also changed along with society.


Henry, Patrick. "Speech to the Second Virginia Convention." Glencoe Literature. New York: Glencoe McGraw-Hill, 2009. 114-119. Print.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Journal #9- Rational Approach

Being a girl, I am around emotional people about 90% of the time. I am used to the emotional emotions of girls because I am around it so much, and also because believe it or not I am a girl. I know that if something goes wrong for me, I tend to have a bad habit to freak out and probably be slightly annoying with my emotions. Although girls always seem to be more emotional than boys, I also think that boys at times can be pretty emotional. For example, I have this cousin of mine that is usually a good student and generally does well in school. He is one of those kids that the I am so jealous of that can barely study for a hard test and still get an A. This year he is a freshman at the awesome Pleasant Plains High School, and he decided to take Spanish 1. I have been taking Spanish for 3 years now, so basically you can say I am a professional. Anyways, he is used to getting good grades in class without doing much studying and when he started taking Spanish he was blown away. He was kind of freaking out because he has been able to do good in classes his whole life without much effort, and then Spanish comes along and kind of caught him off guard. He was emotional because he was for the first time in his whole life, struggling to get a good grade. I solved this little problem of his by being rational and awesome. I tutored him and tried to help him better understand how to do his homework and now he is doing better in that class. I think I am pretty amazing for being able to help out my little baby cousin with his Spanish and I solved his emotional problem with my super cool rational thinking skills. This is a great story about a girl and her cousin.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Journal #8- Autumn

Autumn is a lovely time of year. I like autumn because it is football season and because of all of the bonfires that are going on. I like being able to wear a sweatshirt and jeans sitting by a fire playing never have I ever with all my closest pals. I also like autumn because of Halloween. I love Halloween because of all of the haunted houses that are going on and they are so fun to go to! This year I plan on going to many haunted houses with all of my friends. This year will be my first year of not going trick or treating on Halloween night, and after 16 years I think I'm finally ready to move on. Another reason I like autumn is because it is cold, but it is not like snowy and freezing. It is nice weather most of the time and it is perfect weather to watch football in. I love going to football games with my friends, and I also love going to watch my little brother play on his football team. I am really excited for this autumn because of all of the fun things I plan on doing! Although I am really excited for autumn, summer is by far my favorite season of the year. I like summer better than autumn because in the summer, I am worry free and mostly because I do not have to go to school. I hate school a lot, and unfortunately autumn is the season in which school starts. The only reason I do not completely hate autumn is because of homecoming and football games and Halloween and bonfires. For once, I am actually super duper excited for autumn this year. Oh and how could I forget that my all time favorite part of autumn is the pumpkin pie! Thanksgiving is in autumn and I absolutely love pumpkin pie, so therefore I kinda love autumn a little bit.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Journal #7- Bullying

I think that bullying is a serious problem in both middle schools and high schools everywhere. I have been on both ends of bullying before, and I can honestly say that neither of them is very fun. Being bullied is obviously not fun, but neither is being the bully. When ever I do something to someone to hurt their feelings, I feel really bad about it and sometimes I even get to the point where I can not go to sleep without calling and apologizing to them. I think that everyone is made fun of or laughed at during some point in their life, and sometimes I think people can be a little bit too sensitive about certain things. For example, if someone makes a joke or says something sometimes certain people take it way too seriously and its really annoying. Although I think they take things too seriously, I also think that if you know someone is going to be upset if you say that then you should just keep the comment to yourself. Bullying can cause serious damage to a persons life and can also affect the way they look at themselves. I think that bullies also have a difficult time because there is no way you can be so mean to someone and not feel remorseful about it. I used to be really mean back in middle school and I know that after the fact I would always at least feel a little bit bad about it. Luckily, in high school I developed a soul and I started being nice to people. Sometimes I like bully Abby Ulrich because it is really fun. In seventh grade I nick named her "Smellrich" and it has stuck like glue! I think that me and Abby are really good friends because we both like to bully each other. Its similar to a hate-hate relationship. But it is okay when we bully each other because we both know we are just joking and that is why she is my friend.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Crucible Act 3- Reflection Blog

I think that so far in The Crucible, the author has revealed a lot of human nature through the characters. I know that for me, if I am being accused of something I will become super defensive and I even may try to shift the blame onto another person. I think that this is an example of human nature because no one wants to be blamed for something that is wrong or causes trouble to others, so if this happens people become defensive and try to shift the blame to someone else. This is exactly what is happening right now in The Crucible, all of the women are being accused of witchcraft and because of it their husbands are becoming extremely defensive against each other. The men are being very hostile with each other and are accusing each other, all in hopes of clearing their names and setting their family free (Miller). Also, I think that for some people it is in their nature to be mean and evil, which I think is displayed in this book by Abigail. I think that Abigail is just evil in nature because she always seems to be involved in the dramatic incidents that take place in this book. People do not like being blamed or accused, especially when what they are being accused of could potentially get them hung. I know that if someone was accusing me of something I did not do, I would probably react in a way similar to the way all of the men acted in this book. I also think that being hung is a really extreme punishment, especially when they have almost no proof except the he said she said that is going around the town. I think that Arthur Miller knows a lot about human nature because of how much of it he has in cooperated it into this play. He not only shows us a great deal about human nature, but he also shows a quite a few different types of personalities and how they can interact and get along with each other. Another example of human nature displayed in this book is something that I think is less common in today's society. It was in people's nature back when this book was written to be very religious, and therefore they were also very strict about God and the Devil. In this book we see many conflicts that deal with people being accused of seeing the Devil and we also see how this kind of problem was addressed. I think that this book is a very good book to read because it is very realistic about how people would react in a certain situation. For example, in this book when people are being accused of witchcraft, they react in a very predictable way and try to shift the blame to someone else (Miller). I think that some books try to hard to capture human nature, and therefore it can sometimes be unrealistic. In The Crucible, we are shown a large amount of human nature as well as shown the many different types of personalities and how they act together.


Miller, Aurthur. The Crucible. New York: Penguin Group, 1976. Print

Monday, September 12, 2011

Journal #6- Blaming

It seems like people always have someone or something else to blame when something goes wrong. I know that I always have some sort of an excuse or someone else to blame when I am in the spotlight for being wrong. For example, back when I was in sixth grade I had a research paper to turn in to Mrs. Risdon in class the next day. I finally had it all written, typed, and printed, ready to turn in the next day in class. But unfortunately I ended up forgetting my completed paper at home on the table, and both my parents were at work and could not bring it to me. Mrs. Risdon had been very clear that she was not going to accept late grades, so when class rolled around and I had no paper to turn in, I freaked out. I told Mrs. Ridson that my printer was broken and that my dad was going to fix it tonight and I would bring it in tomorrow. Unknown to me before then, she asked for my dad's cell phone number and told me that she was going to call him to verify that our printer was actually broken. I was freaking out because I lied to her and now I was going to get in trouble with my parents, and my teacher, all because I put the blame on something else. There are many consequences that can come with blaming someone for something they did not do, and some are less severe than others. For example, if I spilled milk all over the floor and then blamed it on my sister, she would have to clean it up instead of me having to do it. But in more extreme cases, like in The Crucible, Elizabeth is being blamed for murder and because of that she might be hung. I try not to blame others for my mistakes and I hope that people will not blame me for theirs.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

The Crucible- Act Two Reflection Blog

So in class on Thursday, we did this test online that is supposed to show us our true color. We answered several questions according to how we would react in certain situations, and at the end it presented you with either blue, orange, gold, or green as your true color. My color was blue, which is described as being a very emotional type of person. My second color was gold, which is described as being very organized person. Coming in third was orange, and lastly came green. The orange personality is described as being a little bit crazy, but also being very effective workers. Greens are the people who show very little emotion and are often thought of as the "thinkers" (True Colors). I definitely agree that I am not green, but I think that at times I am a pretty good mixture of the other three colors. I think that I can be a little bit of all of these colors sometimes because I think the way I would react on certain things all depends on other things. In the book The Crucible, I think the author reveals the true colors of some of the characters by the way they act and react to other characters and certain situations. For example, I think that Mary Warrens and Abigail are both blues. I think they are blues because according to this quiz, blues keep mostly to themselves. Both Mary and Abigail seem to be pretty quiet, but at certain points they both become super emotional and passionate (True Colors). For example, when Mary Warrens is forbid not to go to the court anymore by Mr. Proctor, she becomes very passionate in telling him that he can not order her around anymore "I'll not be ordered to bed no more, Mr. Proctor! I am eighteen and a woman, however single!" (Miller 60). In this passage you can tell that she is tired of being ordered around by Mr. Proctor and she is very passionate about getting her way. Also, based on the two acts I have read from this book, I think it is safe to say that Mr. Proctor is also a blue. I have one reason as to why I think he is a blue, and that is because of his mood swings. According to this true colors quiz, blues tend to have mood swings (True Colors). Mr. Proctor has quite a few mood swings as he goes from fine to angry to resentful all in one act (Miller). Now that Mr. Proctors wife Elizabeth is taken away, I wonder how this will affect his character. Since blues are already very emotional, I am excited to see how the absence of his wife will affect him. Speaking of Elizabeth, I honestly do not know what to think of her. I would not say she is a blue, because even when she is being accused she does not show emotions. I think that as we get farther into this book we will see a little bit more of Elizabeth, but as for right now I am not sure what color I would give her. I think that as we read more of this book, we will learn the true colors of more of the characters from this book.


Miller, Arthur. The Crucible. New York, NY: Penguin, 1996. Print.

"True Colors." True Colors International. Baytech Web Design. Web. 18 Oct. 2011.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Journal #5- 21 Century Punishment

I think that parents in the 21 century have a harder time punishing their children than the previous generations. I think that with the amount of technology us children are surrounded by only makes punishing us even harder because there are so many things that we can do to keep us entertained. For example, if I got in trouble and my parents decided to take away my cell phone, I would not be that upset because I also have an ipod, a laptop, or television that I could use instead. I think that if parents are going to try and punish us by taking away our electronics, they are going to have to take them all to be effective. I think that if kids were limited the time they spent on electronics that many of them would do a lot better in school and also in everything they do. If parents just take away one of these elements, I can honestly say that I would not even care. I think that at certain times it would be appropriate to take away technology from a kid, but I also think that some parents go straight to cell phones every time. For example, if a kid is getting bad grades in school I think it is appropriate to take away cell phones and video games, but I do not think they should take stuff away for forgetting to do the dishes. For me, when I get into trouble my parents never take away my phone or anything like that. Every time I get in trouble I am grounded and not allowed to go hang out with my friends, not getting my cell phone taken away. I do not think that there is any way for parents to remove all technology from a kids life, so why even try? You can take away their cell phone, but they will still have an ipod. If parents are going to remove technology from our lives, they are going to have to get rid of facebook, youtube, cell phones, ipods, and television.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Crucible- Act One Reflection Blog

In The Crucile, I think that Aurthur Miller incoperates many Puritan qualities into his writing. So far, we have been introduced to many different characters and we have gotten a pretty good look at what is going on in this play. This play takes place in 1692, and back in this time people had little knowledge of the causes of people being ill. From the beginning of this act, we see that Parris' daughter Betty is very ill, and people are beginning to say that it is because of witchcraft. Back during this time, to be acused of witchcraft is punishable by being hung and it was not a good rumor to be going around that you practice witchcraft. For example, in this passage from the play Parris says
Thomas, Thomas, I pray you, leap not to witchcraft. I know that you--you least of all, Thomas, would ever wish so disastrous a charge laid upon me. We cannot leap to witchcraft. They will howl me out of Salem for such corruption in my house (Miller 14).
This passage shows just how serious it could be if you are acused of witchcraft, and in Parris' case, it would mean being chased out of town and losing his job. Aurthur Miller shows a Puritan like quality in his writing by how much reference is made to God and by how much of an influence God has on the lives of all of the characters in this play. Puritans thought that religion was a personal, inner experience and I think that Aurthur Miller expresses the importance of religion by including it in his play. Puritans believed that writings directly expressed the workings of God, and I think that in his writing Arthur Miller is showing us as readers how the Puritans believe God and the Devil interact with people and how that can affect a persons life. For example, Mrs. Putnam believes that the devil has murdered seven of her babies because they died shortly after birth (Miller). This passage shows Mrs. Putnam speaking in regards of her dead children
Reverend Parris, I have laid seven babies un-baptized in the earth. Believe me, sir, you never saw more hearty babies born. And yet, each would wither in my arms the very night of their birth (Miller 15).
Now in modern times, we would know the reasons for why those babies died, but back in this time period if there was not an obvious problem, people assumed it was the work of the Devil or witchcraft. I think that by including all of these assumptions and what not the author is revealing not only Puritan qualities but also showing us how people acted back in this time period. Arthur Miller shows us how much a rumor about witchcraft could affect a person's life, and also provides us with information about how people viewed the devil back in this time period. I personally thought that the first act of this play was very strange, but at the same time I found it very interesting and entertaining.


Miller, Aurthur. The Crucible. New York: Penguin Group, 1976. Print

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Journal #4- Traveling

I have traveled to many places throughout my life, and I have gone with many different people. One of the most memorable trips I have been on was when I went to Florida with my church. Because I was going with my church, I also traveled with many other students and adults. We rode in a huge bus and I sat with my friend Rachel. I think that this trip was different than any other trip I have been on because before then I had really only traveled with my family. I thought that it was really cool that I could go on vacation with all of my friends and not have my parents around. This trip was really cool because it made me feel really independent. For example, I had to pay for my own food, and I did the things I wanted to do instead of what my parents wanted to do. This trip lasted a whole week, and by the time it was over I was ready to be home. Although I had a really good time, I was ready for my parents to start paying for everything again. I liked this trip because I was able to spend a lot of time with my friends and because it made me feel very independent. Another time I went to Florida with my friend Helena and her family. This trip was completely different than the time I went with my church. I was traveling with Helena, her brother, his friend, and her parents. On this trip we went to the beach and to Universal Studios, but I did not like being away from my family. This trip made me miss my family because unlike my church trip, I was not independent at all. I had to do what her parents said to do and I did not like it. I think that traveling is really fun, but most of the time I would like to travel with my family.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Of Plymouth Plantation- Reflection Blog

In Of Plymouth Plantation, William Bradford tells us about the Pilgrims and their journey here. Like the previous stories we read, this one also makes reference to God and religion a lot. I think that this is one of the most Puritan-like qualities in this story because religion is a very important part of the Puritan-lifestyle. In this story, William Bradford tells us a lot about the struggles they went through being among the first to arrive here and how difficult it was to survive in the beginning. Similar to the stories we read last class, William Bradford also talks about how even though their situation is grim, these people still give thanks to God (Bradford 65). For example, in the story from last time about the lady who was held hostage she frequently gave thanks to God because she knows her situation could have been worse and she seen it as a blessing. In this story, William Bradford describes a scene to us of the Pilgrims landing on the beach after a really rough time traveling. In this scene, the people are on their knees on the beach giving thanks to God for their safe landing (Bradford 65). I think that by telling us about this part of the story William Bradford is showing us that even though they all went through a lot of suffering on the journey there, they still give thanks to God because He gave them a safe landing. I think that this is a very Puritan-like quality because in all of the stories we have read so far there is always something incorporated about giving thanks to God. I think that William Bradford wrote in a Puritan style in this story because of all of the references made about religion and God. Puritans also liked to write about things and journal because they believed it helped them explore themselves inside and out to reveal the workings of God inside them. I think that this could also be considered a way that William Bradford wrote this story with some Puritan-like qualities. Puritans wrote diaries and stories about history because they believed it showed the direct workings of God, and William Bradford wrote a story about history, which is yet another Puritan-like quality I found in this story. William Bradford mentioned in this story the Mayflower Compact, which is like the rules made by the Pilgrims that they all lived by. These rules were very simple, for example one said that they if at war each community would aid the other community (Bradford 67). I think that this is yet another Puritan quality that William Bradford reveals in his story. I think that in this story William Bradford reveals many Puritan qualities by relating everything to God and including religion in his story. In this story the Pilgrims believe that everything that happens to them is because of God and when something good happens the first thing they do is give thanks to God (Bradford 65). I think William Bradford uses many Puritan writing styles in his story.


Bradford, William. "Of Plymouth Plantation." Comp. Jeffrey D. Wilhelm, Ph.D. and Douglas Fisher, Ph.D. Glencoe Literature. American Literature ed. Columbus: McGraw-Hill Companies, 2009. 62-68. Print.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Journal #3- Hostage

I f I were ever taken hostage, I would probably escape pretty swiftly. Even though being kidnapped and held hostage is on of my biggest fears, I like to think that I would easily be able to outsmart my kidnappers. I would rethink about what the characters do in the action movies to escape, and then decide on which is my best bet. If I was in a forest locked up in a cabin, obviously I would gander at my surroundings until I could plan an escape rout. Once an escape rout is established, I will decide how and when is my best time to break a window and leap out of the cabin. I will then use my cell phone to call for a rescue helicopter and I would give them my exact coordinates just so that when I escape into the wilderness I will not have to be alone for very long. I assume my kidnappers probably would not feed me very much, so the first thing I would do when I escape is hunt for some food. I would stumble upon a fruit tree and indulge in delicious apples. I would sit and wait at this apple tree until the rescue helicopter came, but just as I think I am safe, I hear my assailants storming through the forest! Unfortunately, I did not think this part of the plan through and I had to make a split second decision. I could either run away from them and the apple tree, missing my opportunity for rescue or I could stay and risk getting caught. I decided I had to run away from them. I sprinted as fast as my legs could go until I could not hear them anymore. In the process of ditching them, I also managed to get myself completely lost. Luckily I found a stream and I followed it until I reached civilization. This is probably how I would react to being held hostage.